The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

As a civil engineering graduate, it was my joy to be able to help design access roads and parking lots for the Dodger Baseball Stadium in the Chavez Ravine, in Los Angeles. From there I went on active duty as an officer in the US Marine Corps, and was part of the military personnel who succeeded in removing Russian missiles from the island of Cuba in 1961-62. From there I went back and got my MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Soon thereafter, I started my own computer-based publishing businesses. I am the Publisher/President of the Church & Christian Business Guide in America and host a web site, that serves over 85,000 churches in America. I am married to Diane since 1974. I tell people that I married a WWII veteran, because as a 4 year old, she and her family got caught in the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, as they came out of church in Honolulu. I am very grateful for a full and good life.